Adventure racing, also known as Expedition Racing, is a sport that is not for the faint of heart, involves many skill sets such as trekking, mountain biking, rafting, rock climbing, navigation, and sometimes skiing. The race structure comprises a team of 4 participants, with at least one being female and can range from two hours up to two weeks long. Spring Team Athlete Chelsey Magness has been competing in the sport for over 14 years and is the Co-Founder (with husband and teammate Jason) of Bend Racing.
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We wanted to get to know some of our athletes better and thought it would be fun to start a new blog series titled "Chat History." Who better to start with than Sage Canaday?!
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Photo by Sam Wiley Rea Kolbl grew up doing gymnastics, started running in college and continued through grad school. She tried her first obstacle course with the purchase of a coupon, had a strong race, and fell in love...
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By Kelly Wolf Optimizing nutrition for optimal performance is not just about eating healthy foods. Just as important, is eating ENOUGH food. The energy requirements for runners and athletes are immense, often greater than one may think. It can...
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It was October 2019 and I had just finished my biggest athletic challenge ever, completing the Last Great Race of Ultrarunning. This Slam consists of running the six oldest 100 mile races in the US in the span of 14...
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